Pirate Kitty Anniversary

19 May 2015

It was this time last year that my kitty had his eye surgery and the pirate kitty icon was born! He was a trooper and it seemed like he wasn’t even phased by it, he was trying to play fetch with his cone on the day after I brought him home.

So happy anniversary my pirate kitty! Take 10% off your order with code piratekitty! Valid 5/19-6/19 on orders $15 or more. And don’t forget that a portion of pirate kitty merch will go back to the vet hospital that took such great care of him!PK-SALE

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Business Update

18 Mar 2015


It’s been four months since I took the leap and quit my job to do this full time and honestly… I couldn’t be happier! Working like this is my dream, I get to focus on jobs that I really care about instead of answering calls and dealing with cryptic work orders. I’ve taken over two of the bedrooms in my house and turned them into my office and stock room… It’s UH-MAZE-ING! I am finally my own boss! And I only have to answer to me… Which is touch and go most days.

I’m getting into a lot this year, expanding and showcasing all of my talents and skills. I have a bunch of events lined up for the next few months. It’s really encouraging me to revamp the whole buyer experience, super excited to showcase it in April!

If you’re local watch my FB page for news on upcoming events!

What I’m really trying to promote more are my wedding services. I can do it all! Well… not all.. but a lot! From save the dates and invitations to custom apparel for the day of and even signage! I can help facilitate these processes and take the confusion and anxiety out of it for you. Have an idea? Let me know!

The wedding shop is coming to the site soon too! Lots of custom tank options. And Glitter! Are you following me on Instagram? You should be! @designsfromjess, get a look at behind the scenes and of course pictures of the kitties!


Well kiddos that all for now! Hope all is well with you and yours!

P.S. I promise to be better about these posts…

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